Tuesday 19 April 2011


1. Start by measure out the chocolate amounts. Using the measuring scale and the knife, measure out four precautions of each type of chocolate there are 50 grams per precaution. Use the knife to cut of the individual blocks. After your measuring there should four set of 50 grams, of dark, dark cooking, milk, milk cooking, white, and white cooking chocolate.
2. Next measure out 400 ml of water, from the tap. Place near the prepared chocolate.
3. Check that all the equipment is now ready to be used. Make sure that all equipment that the chocolate is going to be in contact with has no water, as this will cause the chocolate to become grainy and never melt. Make sure that the thermometer and timer are handy are and all the chocolate not being used is placed in a safe place where the heat from the stove will the effect the chocolate.
4. Light the stove with the match and put on high, then pour the 400 ml of water. Using the thermometer measure the temperature of the water. Once the water reaches 50 degrees Celsius, put the stove on low, this is done to control the temperature of the water.
5. Start the timer. Put the dark chocolate in the bowl and place the bowl on top of the saucepan. The bowl should not touch the water; rather it should sit just above the surface of the water so that the steam can gently heat it.
6. Mix the chocolate continuously, with the spatula, until the chocolate is completely melted. To make sure the chocolate is melted, use the spatula and drop some chocolate at a height, it should drop like silk.
7. Once chocolate melted stop timer and record the time in the results table. 
8. Repeat the experiment from step two for the different types of chocolate dark, milk cooking, milk, white cooking, and white chocolate but make sure you have at least a five minute break between each time you repeat the experiment, this is because sometimes the gas gives of extra heat if repeated automatically.
9. Repeat the whole experiment with all varieties tested, another four times. 
10. Once all the chocolate is melted and using data from the previous steps calculate the average to solve in the table.
Independent - the type of chocolate 
Dependent - time taken for the chocolate to melt 
Controlled - amount of water in the saucepan 
- amount of chocolate being melted 
- the starting temperature that the chocolate is being placed upon the water (30 degrees celsius)
- the brand of the chocolates being tested - amount of heat when being melted, the temperature is height until it reaches 30 degrees celsius, then it is on lowest heat until melted
- stove used to melt chocolate 
- amount of chocolate per trail
- amount of water per trail 
- same thermometer to measure temperature of the water 
- same measuring scale to measure amount of chocolate 
- same measuring cups to measure water
- same timer to time how long it took to melt chocolate
- same bowl size that chocolate is being melted in 
- same spatula that chocolate is being melting with

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